The Mission:
What is the future of mobility?
The Result: Imagine a future where mobility means personalized and communal transportation. With communication designer Max Brown, and sponsored by Ford Motors, we examined what the future of mobility would look like in a world where ride sharing is the main form of transportation.With the population rising and more cars on the road, driving in a personal vehicle will become unsustainable. People will not only be stuck in traffic, due to inefficient driving, but there will also be an increase in environmental issues and the infrastructure will become to costly to maintain.
Therefore we designed a system that connects the numerous forms of ride sharing and enables the user to easily travel without having to worry about the details and transitioning from each type of transportation.
The Process: In order to pin point what we wanted to examine about the future of mobility, we started by identifying everything that was associated with mobility and then organized the information we had generated.
Once we found the type of future we wanted to examine, we wanted to see what others thought about the future of mobility. Therefore we designed four scenarios depicting a different future and asked others to draw or write about how people would get around in that world.
Some of the Results:
This told us that there are infinite possibilities for how people can get around and that there wouldn't be just one form of transportation. From that, we decided that it was more important to understand how these numerous forms of transportation would connect with each other and design a more enjoyable experience for the user.
The Solution:
The MetroLift Experience:
What is the future of mobility?
The Result: Imagine a future where mobility means personalized and communal transportation. With communication designer Max Brown, and sponsored by Ford Motors, we examined what the future of mobility would look like in a world where ride sharing is the main form of transportation.With the population rising and more cars on the road, driving in a personal vehicle will become unsustainable. People will not only be stuck in traffic, due to inefficient driving, but there will also be an increase in environmental issues and the infrastructure will become to costly to maintain.
Therefore we designed a system that connects the numerous forms of ride sharing and enables the user to easily travel without having to worry about the details and transitioning from each type of transportation.
The Process: In order to pin point what we wanted to examine about the future of mobility, we started by identifying everything that was associated with mobility and then organized the information we had generated.

Once we found the type of future we wanted to examine, we wanted to see what others thought about the future of mobility. Therefore we designed four scenarios depicting a different future and asked others to draw or write about how people would get around in that world.
Some of the Results:

This told us that there are infinite possibilities for how people can get around and that there wouldn't be just one form of transportation. From that, we decided that it was more important to understand how these numerous forms of transportation would connect with each other and design a more enjoyable experience for the user.

The Solution:

The MetroLift Experience: